The way of the world.
Entry: 1 I am no one. I am a god. Maybe not the one you worship nowadays but a deity none the less. The gods in history exist. The myths, the legends, all of it. A lot has been altered or lost in fiction but you better believe they are real. As I stated I am Kaneis. Meaning 'no one' in the greek language and such is my destiny to be. You might know the name Zeus better and you should because not only is he real but he is part of the reason why the world is in its current state. You live your lives day to day but those who have deep ties to the divine know that the world is dying slowly. Gaia is doing what she can but I fear it is too mush for the titan. I'm sorry, allow me to explain. Within every living being there is a life source, a soul if you will. When a being expires the soul is given to the earth to keep its life source going. The earth has been in a deficit for thousands of yea...